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International Food Days - 2021

We all love food and just like birthdays we want to celebrate these foods on their special days...
International Food Days - 2021

We all love food and just like birthdays we want to celebrate these foods on their special days. Even at most times when we think of a country, our mind brings us to its local dishes.
If we were to think of the UAE the dish that would come to mind would be Al Harees or even Al Majboos. These dishes are vibrant and known to be infused with plenty of spices here in the UAE.
Other dishes around the world are very famous too that they have now been served internationally. So we made your plan for food days easier and we gathered a list of the international food days from around the world.

It's always a celebration when it comes to food!


January 16th
International Hot and Spicy Food day

January 18th
International Cheese Day

January 23rd
Pie day


February 5th
World Nutella Day

February 9th
World Pizza Day

February 16th
Pancake Day

February 20th
Real Bread Week


March 7th
Plant Power Day

March 9th
Meatball Day

March 11th
International School Meals Days

March 25th
International Waffle Day


April 4th
International Carrot Day

April 11th
Cheese Fondue Day


May 11th
Eat What You Want Day

May 13th
International Hummus Day

May 28th
International Hamburger Day


June 1st
World Milk Day

June 18th
International Sushi Day


July 7th
World Chocolate Day

July 13th
National French Fries Day

July 21st
Lamington Day


September 7th
World Salami Day 

September 29th
International Coffee Day


October 1st
World Vegetarian Day

October 4th
World Taco Day

October 8th
World Egg Day

October 9th
International Pizza Day

October 10th
World Porridge Day 

October 10th
World Chicken Day 

October 16th
World Food Day 

October 25th
World Pasta Day 


November 1st
World Vegan Day


December 4th
International Cookie Day

December 15th
International Tea Day

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